Within this scope Vehbi Koç Ankara Studies Research Center (VEKAM) which is founded in 1994 under the umbrella of Vehbi Koç Foundation and become a research center of Koç University in 2014 will organise a symposium on : A Profound Legacy: Philanthropy and Ankara Foundations on April 15-16, 2019. The two days symposium will be held at the premises of Koç University VEKAM in Ankara.
The first day of the symposium will focus on the term of philanthropy, its meaning and contemporary perspectives and models of philanthropy while the second day will feature Ottoman Period Ankara foundations in the light of archival documents.
Also Koç University VEKAM would like to announce the book launch of the publication: Contrubutions of a Civilian Merchant to Ankara: Ibadullah Foundation which focuses on the activites of Ibadullah Foundation through archival documents. It is known that late family members of Vehbi Koç were administrators on the board of trustees of Ibadullah Foundation.
Symposium will be held in Turkish.