Editor: Nuray Bayraktar
ISBN 978-605-9388-19-1
Language: Turkish
Publisher: VEKAM
Place of Publication: Ankara
Subject: Architectural history
Year: 2020
Pages:  236


The three-year long project “Architects who Left Their Marks in Ankara” conducted by Prof. Dr. Nuray Bayraktar (Başkent University), Prof. Dr. Elvan Altan (Middle East Technical University), and Faculty Member Dr. Umut Şumnu (Başkent University) was initiated in March 2017 through the joint efforts of Koç University’s Vehbi Koç Ankara Research Center (VEKAM) and Başkent University. The project to be completed in 2019 will involve the buildings in Ankara of twelve architects. The project aims to research, to document, and to recognize architects who are little-known, not studied much or not published about, but who deserve special merit due to the residential, public, and civilian architectural works they created in Ankara. In this second book of the project, Vedat Dalokay and Nejat Tekelioğlu’s architectural works are discussed.