After the conference, the exhibition titled Ankara on the Maps Ankara Maps and Plans:A Selection from Collections will be opened pm at TAD Emin Hekimgil Art Gallery, at 16:00 pm.
The exhibition intends to present some of the various forgotten maps and plans of Ankara, originally produced in the books of local and foreign travelers and in encyclopedias; large-scale maps of various districts and villages of Ankara; maps of various scales produced by the General Command of Mapping till early 2000s in addition to the selection of works from primarily VEKAM collection and some other private collections Presenting the urban transformation of Ankara from the Ottoman Era to the Republic of Türkiye in a chronological order, this exhibition, envisaged and designed to serve as a documentary and inventory of our capital city of Ankara to appeal researchers and facilitate further research. However, there are still, other maps of Ankara, which are not included in the exhibition, or remained beyond our reach.