Prepared by: Cansen Kılıççöte, Ceyda Cüceloğlu, Gökhan Okumuş, Leyla Etyemez Çıplak, Merve Öztürk, Müge Bahçeci, Özgün Özçakır, Pınar Aykaç Leidholm
Language: Turkish
Publisher: VEKAM
Place of publication: Ankara
Category: Koruma, Restorasyon
Year: 2022
Pages: 406
ISBN: 978-605-9388-19-1

Conservation projects and practices carried out to date have a crucial place in the preservation of cultural assets in the historical development of Ankara and their transfer to future generations. The amendments made in the Law on the Protection of Cultural and Natural Assets in 2004 also changed the face of the built environment in Turkey, of which cultural heritage is a significant part. In parallel with this change, the number of conservation projects and practices in the city center of Ankara has increased, but over the past 15 years these have not been adequately addressed and documented, and they have not been sufficiently shared with the scientific community and society. Accordingly, KORDER and VEKAM collaborated to organize the symposium “Preservation Practices from Past to Present II: Preservation Practices and Projects in Ankara Downtown since 2004” which aimed to document and put these studies to the agenda. This book is a compilation of the papers presented at the symposium and in consideration of Ankara’s multi-layered cultural heritage it covers recent applications on urban areas, monumental structures, examples of civil architecture, industrial heritage, modern architectural heritage, and urban archaeological sites.