Book Talk: Jansen ve Ankara Planlar – Yazışmalar

October 24, 2023

The book titled Jansen and Ankara: Plans and Correspondence, which VEKAM dedicated to the urban studies literature in 2023, was prepared for publication by Çağatay Keskinok, Irmak Yavuz Özgür and Eren Efeoğlu.

The book brings to light for the first time the correspondence between Hermann Jansen, who undertook the urban planning of the capital city in the Early Republican Era, and the Ankara Urban Planning Directorate features the plans, sketches, and perspective drawings of various scales as well.

The talk which will be moderated by urban planner Ömer H. Kıral intends to discuss research details, the book’s publication process, and Jansen’s planning perspective with the contributions of the book’s authors; Çağatay Keskinok, Irmak Yavuz Özgür, and Eren Efeoğlu.

The talk will be held in Turkish and online.
