Irony And Tension : Perception of War in Ankara and Istanbul During the Second World War Years

Irony and Tension” should be read as a visual guide to Turkish perceptions of the Second World War, how these perceptions
differed in style and  to the propaganda materials of the era. It examines how many different types of effective and eclectic visual
propaganda images were used by the Single Party Regime to direct the masses during the war—military albums, official
bulletins, community center publications, postal stamps, popular culture and comic books, all designed, printed and distributed
within the country.

Press Reflections:

Türkiye in the Second World War / News / İstanbul Art News / 01.11.16 >>

Reflections of Second World War / News / İstanbul Art News / 01.11.16 >>

Irony and Tension / Arredemento Mimarlık / News / 01.11.16 >>

Irony and Tension a New Exhibition by VEKAM / News / Ankara 24 Saat / 04.11.16>>

Irony and Tension A New Exhibition by VEKAM / News / Anayurt Gazetesi / 04.11.16 >>

Irony and Tension A New Exhibition by VEKAM  / News/ Ankara Zafer / 05.11.2016 >>

Irony and Tension by VEKAM  / News / Ankara Anadolu Gazetesi / 07.11.16 >>

Irony and Tension / News/ Haber Türk Ankara / 08.11.16 >>

Irony and Tension / Article / Manifold Press / 28.11.16 >>

Irony and Tension Exhibition at Çankaya Contemporary Arts Center/ News / Ankara 24 Saat / 18.11.16 >>

Irony and Tension Exhibition at Çankata Contemporary Arts Center / News/ Ankara Haber Vaktim / 18.11.16 >>

Irony and Tension Exhibition at Çankata Contemporary Arts Center / News / Haber Kent (Elazığ) / 18.11.16 >>

İroni ve Gerilim