Proje Yürütücüleri:

Dr. Çiğdem Maner, Koç University

Özlem Dengiz Uğur, Architect (MA)

Education programs on cultural heritage for children, youngsters and teachers have increased in the past years in Türkiye such as, books, documentaries, museum educations, workshops, education programs for teachers. These educations, specifically lead to awareness of protection of cultural heritage and sustainable protection, furthermore it is inevitable that this type of education is included also in preschool education. This type of education, which is taught abroad with developed techniques and skills in and outside schools is newly developing in Türkiye.

The Cultural Heritage Studies for Children workshop series will be repeated regularly and intend to contribute and support sustainable cultural heritage education in Türkiye. The purpose of the workshops will be to provide new perspectives to the ones who have been actively participating in this field by presenting practices both in Türkiye and abroad. In this way, workshops will have a very significant role in the institutionalization of cultural heritage education in Türkiye on a sustainable, international and academic platform.

While the first workshop, which will be held in 2019, cover cultural heritage studies for children in a multidisciplinary perspective, continuing workshops will focus on thematic and detailed topics such as; museum education for children, cultural heritage and literature, mobile cultural heritage applications for children, cultural heritage projects for teachers and children, cultural heritage and virtual museums, cultural heritage and architectural education till 2022.